Mostafa Mirmousavi

Persian Calendar for Garmin

The Persian calendar, also known as the Jalali calendar, Shamsi calendar, or Solar Hijri calendar, is the official calendar of Iran and some other countries. It was developed by Persian scholars, including Omar Khayyam and other astronomers of the 11th century, who designed it based on precise astronomical calculations. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, which follows a fixed leap-year rule, the Jalali calendar is more accurate because it aligns with the actual solar year, reducing errors in seasonal shifts over time. While the Gregorian calendar has an annual error of about 26 seconds, the Jalali calendar is accurate to within 1 second per year, making it one of the most precise calendars in use today.

If you’re a Garmin user looking for a Persian (Jalali) calendar on your watch or navigation device, I have great news! I have developed and published a Jalali Calendar app for Garmin devices, now available on the Garmin Connect IQ Store.

Features of the Persian Calendar App:

  • Displays the current date in the Persian (Jalali) format.
  • View and navigate previous and next months.
  • Convert dates between Jalali and Gregorian formats.

Why a Persian Calendar for Garmin?

Many Garmin users, especially in Persian-speaking countries, need access to the calendar for their daily activities. Unfortunately, Garmin devices do not natively support this calendar format. This app bridges that gap, offering an easy way to view the Persian date without additional conversions.

Contributions and Feedback

Since the project is open-source, contributions and feedback are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to open an issue on GitHub or reach out.

I hope this app makes it easier for Garmin users to keep track of Persian dates. Let me know what you think!