Short bio
A software engineer with a passion for diverse hobbies like flying, cooking, and gardening 😉
A software engineer with a passion for diverse hobbies like flying, cooking, and gardening 😉
I was searching for a simple Hugo theme that supports various content types, multilingual content, RTL and responsive layout for my website/blog, but none of the available options had all the features I needed. So, I decided to build my own theme to ensure it had all the features I required. The result is Mostafa Hugo Theme, a theme that now powers my blog.
Continue reading (2 min read)The Persian calendar, also known as the Jalali calendar, Shamsi calendar, or Solar Hijri calendar, is the official calendar of Iran and some other countries. It was developed by Persian scholars, including Omar Khayyam and other astronomers of the 11th century, who designed it based on precise astronomical calculations. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, which follows a fixed leap-year rule, the Jalali calendar is more accurate because it aligns with the actual solar year, reducing errors in seasonal shifts over time. While the Gregorian calendar has an annual error of about 26 seconds, the Jalali calendar is accurate to within 1 second per year, making it one of the most precise calendars in use today.
If you’re a Garmin user looking for a Persian (Jalali) calendar on your watch or navigation device, I have great news! I have developed and published a Jalali Calendar app for Garmin devices, now available on the Garmin Connect IQ Store.
Continue reading (2 min read)When working on UI components (whether for a design system, a large-scale project, or simply for better maintainability) having a solid workflow for development, testing, and documentation in an isolated environment is essential.
UI component tools like Storybook provide a structured way to build, test, and document UI components in isolation, ensuring they work correctly before integration. These tools help teams visualize different component states, collaborate efficiently, and maintain consistency across projects. Additionally, some of these tools support both manual and automated testing, making it easier to verify component behavior.
Continue reading (3 min read)For development teams, especially in front-end projects, ensuring that changes look and function correctly before merging is crucial. PR preview deployments are not just beneficial for front-end developers but also for designers, QA testers, and product managers who need to review and validate changes before they go live.
PR preview deployments create temporary environments where teams can visually and interactively test new UI updates. Unlike traditional test or staging servers, each PR gets its own isolated environment, independent from other PRs, ensuring that changes do not interfere with one another. This allows for more precise testing and validation before merging into the main branch, reducing the risk of breaking production.
Continue reading (3 min read)One of the most important things I’ve learned in life is that routine and discipline are like the pillars of a house; without them, you might stay standing for a while, but sooner or later, you’ll collapse. They save you on tough days and help you grow on good ones. They may seem boring, but they are what keep your mind balanced and at peace, helping you stay on track and keep moving forward even in the hardest times.